Freight Audit
& Payments

Fretron’s freight audits & payments help streamline audit-ready claim handling and
management for faster settlements and reconciliation.

Bring Down Billing Cycles and Boost No-Dispute Claim/Discrepancy Audits





Automate Your Freight Invoicing

Leverage intelligent workflows to automate your invoice generation and sharing it with vendors based on their specific payment cycles.

Create & Share invoices in seconds.

Follow up on payments easily with reminders.

Collect deposits and advance payments.

Customize your invoice templates easily.

Seamless Payment Reconciliation

Keep  a complete track of where your money is being spent by staying updated of your payable & dues. Boost your payment reconciliation process with error free and perfect operations.

Settle your driver payments easily.

Create and send purchase orders to vendors.

Upload expense receipts directly.

Keep track of historical payments & transactions.

Smart Vendor Mangement

Use the historical data to monitor vendor freight prices and delivery performance to negotiate and increase your profitability with smarter decisions

Single platform maps all the stakeholders.

Instant approvals on common platform from all departments concerned.

Error-free calculation without human intervention.

On-time Claim Settlements

Get timely updates on pending vs settled claims and be on top of your claim settlement process. Automate claim settlement status update notification for all your vendors.

Digital PoD submission can be done in seconds.

Reduce your payment reconciliation time.

Want to understand how FRETRON
can help your Business?