How Manufacturers Are Generating ROI With Good TMS Platforms

How Manufacturers Are Generating ROI With Good TMS Platforms

Ever wondered how a minor glitch in your supply chain can have massive impacts on your manufacturing business? In the supply chain manufacturing process, the stakes are high, and the tiniest logistical hiccup can disrupt the entire flow of your supply chain, causing significant disruptions. 

Think about it: a delay in raw material delivery or a disrupted shipment schedule – both detrimental to your production line and profitability.

Now, the vital question: How can you turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and business ROI? This blog post will uncover manufacturers’ daily hurdles and reveal how an online good TMS (Transportation Management System) solution can improve your revenue. So, let’s dive into how manufacturers can boost returns with effective transportation systems solutions.

What is The Transportation Management System in Manufacturing? 

Transportation management software, a TMS system, is specialized software that helps businesses enhance their shipping operations. It’s part of supply chain management and allows businesses to automate tasks and save money on shipping. This is especially important for manufacturing businesses who want to streamline their shipping processes, reduce costs, compare available freight rates, and ensure real-time tracking for all shipments. An online good TMS platform is a valuable tool that helps them achieve these objectives.

How Manufacturers Are Generating Revenue With Good TMS Platforms? 

Let’s delve into the specific ways manufacturers are leveraging TMS capabilities to achieve greater ROI:

1. Sourcing Stage

In the early phase of the logistics process, known as the sourcing stage, manufacturers begin procuring raw materials from suppliers and setting the stage for efficient production. An integral component of this stage is optimizing the transportation routes to ensure cost-effectiveness, comparing available freight rates, and laying the groundwork for increased ROI.

  • Optimized Route Planning: A good TMS software platform incorporates cutting-edge algorithms to analyze historical data, real-time traffic information, and carrier performance metrics. This analysis allows them to determine the most efficient routes for shipments.

  • Impact on ROI: Optimizing routes during the sourcing stage helps significantly in cost savings. Efficient routing minimizes fuel consumption, transportation costs, and vehicle wear and tear. It ensures that your raw materials arrive at the manufacturing facility in the most cost-effective and timely manner, ultimately increasing ROI from the outset of the logistics process.

2. First Mile

This stage involves moving goods from your manufacturing facility to distribution centers or transportation hubs. It’s a pivotal point where decisions made here can significantly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your logistics operations.

  • Dynamic Rate Shopping: During the First Mile, selecting the most cost-effective carriers to transport your products to distribution centers or hubs is crucial.

  • Impact on ROI: By dynamically comparing transportation rates from multiple carriers, you ensure that each shipment is assigned to the carrier that offers the best combination of cost, delivery time, and capacity. This optimization begins with minimizing transportation spend and maximizing ROI from the beginning of the logistics journey.

3. Warehouse Management Stage

Once products reach distribution centers or hubs, efficient warehouse management becomes vital. This stage is central to maintaining inventory and ensuring a smooth flow of goods.

  • Inventory Management: An online good TMS platform for shippers provides real-time visibility into stock levels and warehouse locations, optimizing inventory management.

  • Impact on ROI: Effective inventory management in this stage is essential for reducing holding costs. It prevents overstocking and stockouts, ensuring you have the proper inventory to meet demand. This balance optimizes cash flow, lowers warehousing expenses, and increases ROI by improving overall cost efficiency.

4. Order Processing Stage

The order processing stage involves managing incoming orders, scheduling shipments, and generating invoices. Efficiency in this stage directly affects customer satisfaction and sales.

  • Order Processing Automation: Effective TMS systems automate tasks like order entry, scheduling, and invoicing, reducing errors and accelerating order fulfillment.

  • Impact on ROI: Automation in order processing reduces errors and significantly accelerates order fulfillment. This results in shorter order-to-delivery cycles, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately higher sales. By improving operational efficiency and customer service, this stage contributes directly to ROI.

5. Last Mile Delivery

In the final leg of the logistics journey, products are transported from distribution centers to the end customers. This phase is critical for ensuring on-time deliveries and customer satisfaction.

  • Delivery Time Windows: During the last mile, offering precise delivery time windows is a strategic advantage.

  • Impact on ROI: By optimizing routes and coordinating shipments effectively, transportation management solutions enable you to provide accurate delivery time estimates to customers. This heightened level of service leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to place repeat orders, directly impacting revenue and profitability.

6. Throughout the Entire Logistics Process

Comprehensive freight tracking plays a vital role in the entire logistics process, from sourcing to the last mile.

  • Comprehensive Freight Tracking: Comprehensive freight tracking plays a vital role throughout the entire logistics process, from sourcing to the last mile.

  • Single Platform Dashboard: TMS software platforms provide a centralized dashboard where logistics managers can track all shipments, regardless of the carrier or transportation mode. This unified view eliminates the need to access multiple carrier websites or systems, simplifying tracking and reducing administrative overhead.

  • Real-time Alerts: TMS software solution can be configured to send real-time alerts and notifications. For instance, if a shipment encounters an unexpected delay or deviates from the planned route, the TMS can immediately alert the logistics manager, enabling rapid response to prevent further disruptions.

  • Impact on ROI: These tracking and alert features ensure better decision-making, cost control, and proactive management throughout the logistics process. Transportation management systems contribute to increased profitability and ROI across all logistics stages by minimizing disruptions, reducing downtime, and ensuring smooth operations.

7. Compliance and Avoiding Delays

In terms of regulatory requirements, navigating regulations effectively is crucial for profitability throughout the logistics process.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Navigating regulations effectively is crucial for profitability throughout the logistics process.

  • Impact on ROI: TMS systems incorporate compliance checks and documentation management, reducing the risk of penalties and costly delays that negatively impact profitability and ROI.

8. Punctuality Matters

When focusing on production efficiency, a transportation management system features synchronized transportation schedules with production requirements.

  • Production Synchronization: TMS solutions synchronize transportation schedules with production requirements to enhance profitability.

  • Impact on ROI: An effective transportation management system minimizes storage costs and prevents production delays by ensuring that raw materials and components arrive just in time for the manufacturing process.


If you’re eager to explore how TMS integration can revolutionize your manufacturing logistics and deliver sustained ROI, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team at Fretron. We’re here to guide you through the process and demonstrate how this strategic investment can lead to long-term success with good TMS platforms.

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